Friday, January 28, 2011

A Hawaiian Friday Night

I love being home alone in Hawaii on Friday night. Just me, the grill, a glass of wine, in a swing on the lanai underneath the cool night sky.


  1. Hi Mushie...Read your post here and reminded me of something...A song. Not sure if you've ever heard of Seals and Crofts [old song] Summer Breeze? Your words seemed to fit the melody of it and checked the lyrics Ha! There's even a line saying, "In The Evening On A Friday Night." You might enjoy hearing it .

  2. Awesome! I love it when a song matches the situation! Funny thing...I didn't see your post until after I posted the last one where I made another 70's song reference at the end of the post (Wild Cherry's "Playing that Funky Music"). What a coincindence!
